

The Bible is God's inspired word for people.  Click here for more on Bibles 

The Cross

Jesus Christ the Son of God willingly died on a cross, to pay the debt for our sin. He did this because He loved us. He did this because He loves YOU! It is a free gift, receive it by praying to God


To agree with God that you have failed to meet His perfect requirements. To agree with God that you are not a perfect representation of His Character, and that you are therefore lacking. To ask God's help in changing and becoming more like him, and turning your life and actions around to fit God's pattern for your life. 8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

New Testament

That part of the Bible which includes History from Jesus Birth, to the times of the early church. The New Testament is the completion of the Old Testament, the good news about the saviour that was promised in the Old Testament. From Matthew to Revelation

Old Testament

That part of the Bible which includes History from the Creation of the world, to the rebuilding of Jerusalem. From Genesis to Malachi.


Prayer is talking with God.  Click here to learn more about prayer.


The act whereby God redeems us from our sin, paying the debt of our sin, setting us free to live as His children, in relationship with him. It is a free gift, receive it by praying to God, asking him to take your sins away because of Jesus death on the cross. Ask Him to come into your life, to lead you love you Guide you forever.  The act of God forgiving our sin so that we can have relationship with Him forever!


The ongoing process in the life of a Christian whereby God refines the Christian and the Christian becomes more Christ like in word deed and character.


Things we do that fall short of God's standard of perfection and holiness. We sin by disobeying God's commands. We sin by ignoring God. We sin by doing things contrary to the nature and character of God.


Having committed an offence against God, or having not done what was right. Rom 3:23 all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Anything that violates God's character or His will.

Faith is trust. You are sitting in a chair, and have faith that it won't drop you to the floor. Trust is established through experience. At some point you were introduced to chairs, and learned that (except in rare occasions) they won't let you down. Maybe it was scary sitting on the first chair, but then again, you'd seen others sit on it. In my experience God reveals His character to us, and then asks us to trust him, to believe His words, to rely on his plans and his guidance. We learn that God does not let us down, and our faith in him, or our ability to put our trust in him grows. (Faith is a process, and something that moves us to action. Faith is not an intellectual concept) i.e. I have faith that there is a god. Well, you could believe that there is a god, but not actually allow that to affect your life (like many people who haven't met God yet.) Faith without actions is dead. (James) This is because true faith affects our actions.

Hope in God's kingdom is different from some kinds of hope that we have here in North American society. We have all heard people say; "I hope I do well on my test" or "I hope that I win the lottery, so I don't have to go to work on Monday" . This use of the word "hope" really means wishful thinking. "I wish I would do well on my test" in this use of it (a common North American use of the word hope), it is reduced to a desire. When we see the word hope used in the Bible, it is a different hope (Like in Titus 1:2 "a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time")The hope in the Bible is something we can rely on, something that is so sure, so definate, so solid that we can bank on it and expect it to happen without the fear of being disappointed. For example, we can hope in our salvation from eternal death, because of the Blood of Jesus shed for us, and our decision to surrender to Jesus and follow Him. God is not a liar, our salvation is assured. If God said it, then it's true, and it's going to happen. That is hope, not the "russion Roulette" game of "oh I hope I get to heaven, or I hope I don't get caught" So there is "hope" in the Bible (a promise we can rely on) versus "hope" in popular culture (a wishful thought)

Love... (Like Boston said, "It's more than a feeling") Love is an action. Love happens when you don't feel like it. Love is treating others with respect because they are made in God's image. Love is treating others the way God would treat them. Love is agreeing with God about how you treat yourself and those you come into contact with. Love is wanting the very best for another.

Solitude is not to be confused with loneliness. Solitude is purposefully taking time to be away from other people so that you can have "space" to think, to reflect on life, to hear the "quiet" voice of God speaking to your mind. Solitude is taking time apart from your busy life, so that you can gain clear perspective on your life, on your relationship with God and others. Solitude is a valuable tool. But there are no LONE RANGERS in the kingdom of God. Solitude is not a replacement for "Fellowship": spending time with other believers for your mutual encouragement and challenge to continued growth.
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